Allegation & Research

At the International Journal of Research in Organic Agriculture (IJROA), we uphold the highest ethical standards and have a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding research misconduct. This includes any form of fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism. We are committed to ensuring that all research published in our journal adheres to the principles of honesty, integrity, and ethical conduct.

Types of Misconduct

  • Fabrication: This refers to the creation of false data or results, including falsified data or research findings not obtained through the research process.
  • Falsification: This involves manipulating research materials, equipment, processes, or changing or omitting data so that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
  • Plagiarism: This is the use of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without appropriate acknowledgment, presenting them as one's own.

Handling Allegations

  • Submission of Allegations: Anyone who suspects research misconduct in a submitted manuscript or published article should report their concerns to the editorial team immediately. Reports should be detailed and provide specific evidence related to the alleged misconduct.
  • Investigation Process: Upon receiving an allegation, the IJROA editorial team will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation following the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This process involves:
    • Initial assessment of the allegation to determine if it warrants further investigation.
    • Gathering of relevant evidence and documentation from all parties involved.
    • Consultation with experts, if necessary, to assess the validity of the claims.
  • Decision Making: After a full investigation, the editorial team will decide based on the findings. This decision will be communicated to the parties involved.

Actions in Case of Confirmed Misconduct

If misconduct is confirmed, IJROA will take appropriate actions, which may include:

  • Retraction of the Article: If the article in question has already been published, it may be retracted. A formal retraction notice will be issued to correct the scientific record.
  • Notification of Institutions: The authors' affiliated institutions will be informed of the findings. This step is crucial to ensure that institutional oversight and accountability are maintained.
  • Ban on Future Submissions: Authors found guilty of misconduct may be banned from submitting future manuscripts to the journal. This measure is taken to maintain the integrity and credibility of the publication.

Commitment to Ethical Standards

IJROA is dedicated to preserving the integrity of the scientific record and ensuring that all research published in our journal meets the highest ethical standards. We continually review and update our policies to reflect best practices and to foster a culture of transparency and responsibility in research publication.